綠色自然聯盟 Green Nature Union / L'association d'écologie

2000年02月-08月 / Feb.- Aug. 2000

[01].  [ 10-02-2000 ] 金山郊野公園之旅 [石梨貝水塘] ( Jourery at Golden Hill Country Park )
[02].  [ 10-02-2000 ] 綠盟-衝鋒隊-冬季聚餐 ( The dinner gathering of HKGNU's committees )
[03].  [ 17-03-2000 ] 綠盟春季聚會 ( Spring meeting of HKGNU )
[04].  [ 21-04-2000 ] 城門郊野公園之旅 [城門水塘/針山] ( Tour at Shing Mun Country Park )
[05].  [ 27-04-2000 ] 百樂酒店聚餐 ( Park's hotel gathering of HKGNU's committees )
[06].  [ 01-05-2000 ] 大潭郊野公園之行 [康柏橋] ( Trip at Tai Tam Country Park )
[07].  [ 07-05-2000 ] 西貢東郊野公園之旅 [第一次大浪西灣/鹹田灣之旅] ( The first journey of Ham Tin Beach - Sai Kung )
[08].  [ 05-2000 ] 聖文德生活照 ( The life of the HKGNU's committees in SBC )
[09].  [ 13-06-2000 ] 獅子山郊野公園之旅 [沙田坳] ( Hiking at Lion Rock Country Park )
[10].  [ 03-07-2000 ] 清水灣郊野公園之行 [清水灣二灘] ( Trip at Clear Water Bay Country Park )
[11].  [ 13-07-2000 ] 長洲 [地理考察: 花瓶石/人頭石] 之旅 ( The geographic research at Cheung Chau Island )
[12].  [ 31-07-2000 ] 西貢西郊野公園之旅 [岩頭山/嶂上/雞公山] ( Hiking at West Sai Kung Country Park )

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