Crisis in Tai Long Wan       [In Chinese 中文]

  Tai Long Wan , also known as "Big Wave Bay" has four beaches . Its name comes from the tumultuous waves that crash against the rocks . Of the four beaches , Tai Wan and Ham Tin Wan are the longest and most famous . The beautiful Tai Long Wan shines like the "Jewel of the Sai Kung Peninsula", and local hikers call it one of the "Four Wonders of Hong Kong".

        There are a variety of habitats in Tai Long Wan including freshwater wetlands , river streams , grasslands , woodlands and coastal sand dunes . It is here where you can find many species of precious plants ( e.g. Glehnia littoralis ) and birds ( e.g. the globally rare Schrenck's bitterns ) , and along the rivers there are large pieces  of mangroves . The Hong Kong Government has designated this area as a "Site of Special Scientific Interest" , and given it proper protection .      

        The local villagers say that the golden era of Tai Long Wan was in the 50's , when 600-700 villagers lived here working as farmers and fisherman . Since then , many villagers moved to urban areas or emigrated to other countries . Now , less than 20 people reside there . Tai Wan village was listed as a Hakka village in a gazetteer dating back to 1812 .The village is in the heart of a classic Chinese village setting , with houses aligned in straight rows at the foot of a hill and feng shui wood just behind . The Immaculate Chapel at the entrance of the village is a Grade III historic building designated by the Antique and Monuments Office .

        In April 2000 , The Hong Kong Government announced the "Tai Long Wan Outline Zoning Plan" ( OZP ) . Under the plan , 40 hectares of land is preserved as a "Nature Reserve Area" to save the natural environment along with the neighboring Sai Kung East Country Park .Two hectares of land was designated as a "Site of Special Scientific Interest" and an additional 8 hectares of land has been zoned for "Village House Development" .This allows 370 village house applicants to build homes for local villagers .The Planning Department estimates that in the next ten years , the population of the area will increase from less than 20 to approximately 1000 people . Since the area for village house development is quite large , many hikers and visitors are concerned about the future of Tai Long Wan . They are concerned that massive construction of village houses will threaten the scenery , natural environment and historic relics in Tai Long Wan .

        The Town Planning Board has received objections from hikers and local villagers at a November meeting last year . Upon review of their opinions , the town Planning Board postponed their decision , and said relevant government bodies would need to conduct an in-depth study of : Agriculture , Fisheries , and Conservation Department on ecological value , Antiquities and Monuments Office on architecture and archeology , and Environment and Food Bureau on conservation policy .

        For those concerned about the future of Tai Long Wan , read up-to-date news on the "Friend of the Tai Long Wan" website . The website provides loads of information on Tai Long Wan , and wants to hear your voice . If you go online , you can fill in their questionnaires , check out their signature campaigns and online petition . Your comments and suggestions will be compiled and submitted to the Town Planning Board for consideration . Although the law grants legal rights to local villagers to build village houses , the "Friend of Tai Long Wan" are worried about the negative impact of the proposed development plan on the local environment . To preserve the unspoiled environment of Tai Long Wan , the government should consider land resumption or relocating villagers to other areas to build homes .


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