English Corner of Eco - Environment
Green Turtles in Hong Kong

Looking back on Sha Lo Tung’s past : Three species of sea turtles have been recorded in Hong Kong waters. They are the Green Turtle ( Chelonia mydas ) , Leatherback Turtle ( Dermochely coriacea ) and Olive Ridley ( Lepidochelys olivaced ) . Most local records are on the Green Turtle which is also the only species bred in Hong Kong. Green turtle is a highly endangered species listed under Appendix 1 of CITES and “Class ll Protected Animal” in the “List of state Key Protected Wildlife in China”. Sea turtles used to nest in many remote beaches like Tung O and Ha Mei Wan of Lamma Island, Tong Fok Miu Wan and Tai Tong Wan of Lantau Island and Tai Tam Bay of Hong Kong Island some decades ago. As a result of rapid urban and rural development and human activities on or near these areas, sea turtles no longer nest in these beaches. Sham Wan of Lamma Island is the only known existing nesting site.

Life of a Green Turtle : The breeding season of Green Turtle is from June to October. During the breeding season, mature turtles travel thousands of kilometers from their feeding grounds to mate in shallow waters off the natal beach. After mating, females will come ashore at night and and look for a suitable site to lay eggs. Nests are simply holes dug on sandy beaches. The females lay eggs inside the holes, recover them with sand and return to sea afterward.

Eggs are incubated in the nests naturally. Depending on the ambient temperature, eggs will hatch in about two months. Sex of the hatchings depends on the incubation temperature. Higher temperature produces more females but males predominate when the temperature is lower. Hatchings are about 5 cm in length. The whole nest of hatchings usually emerges on a cool night and heads immediately toward the sea. Once in the sea, they drift on large floating mats of seaweed in open waters. Young turtles move to the feeding ground about one year later.

Conservation of Sea Turtles : Because of the changing environment of Hong Kong, sightings of sea turtles in local waters are becoming increasingly rare. As such, we should treasure the fact that Green Turtles still nest in Sham Wan of Lamma Island. If nesting of the local population fails due to disturbance or other factors, the local population would eventually become extinct.

It is an offence to take, possess, sell or export any sea turtles and its eggs or willfully disturb any sea turtles and its eggs under the Wild Animals Protection Ordinance Cap.170. Offenders are liable to a maximum fine of HK$100,000 and 1 year imprisonment. The sandy beach at Sham Wan has been listed as a Restricted Area since 1999 for the protection of the Green Turtles. No entry or stay within the area is allowed without a permit during the period from 1 June to 31 October. During nesting season, the area’s wardens regularly patrol the beach at Sham Wan days and nights to protect nesting turtles and their eggs.

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